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The daffodils certainly seem to have been blooming with force this year, bringing back so many memories, as they were flowering everywhere we seemed to go through his life. As we first stepped out into the world with our seven hour old son, they greeted him with the first blooms and bursting buds. Every journey we took, they lined the roads. Every window we looked out, they lit up our senses, even on the darkest days. They put spring in the air every time we took him and the children to the park or gardens.

The daffodils from Thomas' funeral are now flourishing all over the UK. Some in places Thomas knew and others in places where he left his footprint on peoples' hearts.

Every year, the flowering season ties in with Thomas' own, returning each year to stand proudly, providing a fanfare, as if they are paying their respects to our little boy. Little rays of bright yellow sunshine, bringing with them warmth, light and hope.

Without a doubt any image of a daffodil brings the brightness of his life into our's. Our home is slowly getting filled with a variety of daffodil images, all of which we can enjoy in their own way. Our latest purchase was when we were at the River Cottage Festival. We were there celebrating Jason's 40th birthday with a family day out. Hidden amongst the huge range of crafts being sold by local artisans was a unique rack of hooks, each headed with a metal daffodil. I almost felt that Thomas had sent us a little gift to show that he was with us that day, joining in with his siblings and being part of our family unit. We now not only have a memento of that day, but another reminder in our home that Thomas continues to be with us.

The sight of the sun shining down on the daffodils in our home, garden and along the streets has been a bitter sweet reminder of our time with him. The anticipation of his daffodil coming back to life has been exciting and a reminder of the hope we felt when he was with us.

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