And that brings us to the end of the blog that we created to mark Thomas' tenth anniversary. We have been able to share Thomas' story, as well as the impact that his life, illness and death had on our lives, and the following adjustments we made with the grief and the impact it had on me personally. I hope that it has given a little context as to why I was taking on the challenge of running the London Marathon dressed as a daffodil in Thomas' memory, and the importance of raising funds for one of the charities that continue to support those who have been impacted by meningitis, as well as helping to fund vital research into this terrible disease. Team Tangerine (the charity's runners) have raised a staggering amount of money, and it was such a privilege to be part of an amazing bunch of people from across the UK. The race itself, was an incredible experience, which will stay in my memories forever, but made even more special to have shared the training and the participation in the event with a group of strangers, united by the same dream - to run towards a world where meningitis is an historic disease. If you haven't yet donated, please do so before my fundraising page closes, because every penny really does make a big difference.
A final thank you to everyone who has donated, shared our story, offered encouragement or practical support. We have once again been totally humbled and overwhelmed by the love and generosity of those around us, something which we will never take for granted.
Thomas Samuel Cotton
26 February 2014 - 28 March 2014
Forever in our hearts
Sleep tight
