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A changing me


I had been struggling to rediscover my identity. More recently, three and a half years after Thomas died, I have started to be able to get to know the new me and the impact our experience has had on my personality. His death has changed me forever and only now that my life experiences have taught me what this looks like, am I able to start to accept this. I do continue to grieve for who I was; my strength, determination and ambition have disappeared. This week each day, I will be briefly sharing how an aspect of my daily life has been changed and how I have been able to deal with these new challenges. I have to admit that I feel more exposed from these posts than any I have previously written as they are the most personal reflection of who I am now. Some aspects I do not like, but I have no control over feeling them, so have had to find ways of coping. I definitely consider myself as two separate individuals - a pre-Thomas woman and a post-Thomas being. I am certainly not looking for sympathy or wanting pity but just want to help educate people about how loss of a child can impact an individual.


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Thomas Samuel Cotton

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