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Grief lasts a lifetime. There is no "moving on" or "getting over it", there is no solution or going back in time. There is no end to the ways I will grieve. For as long as I live, I will ache and love my son with my heart and soul. There will never come a time where I won't think about who my son would be, what he would look like, and how he would be a different part of our family. Grief lasts forever because love lasts forever. The loss of a child is not a finite event, it is a continuous loss. All the missed occasions and celebrations, all the should-have-beens and the never-will-bes, and the living through a future that was lost and changed forever. The ripple effect is far reaching, the heartache never ends.

It is a common misconception that over time, the amount you miss your child diminishes. This is just not true. Time does not make the space less empty. Neither do platitudes, clichés or well-wishes for us to "stop dwelling". The empty space of our missing child will never be filled and so we forever miss them.

"A lost loved one can't be replaced. There is no one thing or person that can fill that void that is left. In time, you learn to live with it. That's all you can do. But, no matter what, regardless of the time that goes still love them. You still miss them. You still wish they were here. Love doesn't end. That's why grief doesn't either."



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Thomas Samuel Cotton

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