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The BIG day


The big day has finally arrived.


Nine months ago, when we arrived back from our summer holiday, I started preparing for today. I formulated a schedule in my head, with target dates and with the progress that I hoped to make along the journey, all geared for 21 April 2024. It has been an emotional process, with many highs and lows. I have felt incredible joy and happiness, as well as sadness and frustration, and everything in between. There have been times of strong self-belief, confidence and determination, many times of self-doubt and worry, whilst much of the time we have had to juggle the additional commitments around our already hectic and full-on family life. There have been times when the sheer magnitude of the challenge has been in the forefront of my mind, and I wonder whether we have made the right decision, as I have had reservations if the commitment has been the right thing for the whole family.


As I have tackled times of poor physical health, it has taken a toll on my mental health, having to face the uncertainty over my progress and concern over reaching the big day. There have been many times when I have not wanted to get outside because I have been feeling tired and sluggish. Equally, during the times when I have felt in peak physical health, I have felt such buoyancy and resolve. The boost I have gained from the love and support from family and friends through this time has been incredible, and I know that with this, as well as the encouragement from strangers that I meet through the day, I will reach my end goal. I will reach it feeling overwhelmed by the dedication I have given to this life-change, as well as love for my son.


I have had my bag packed for the past week and I hope that in it I have covered most eventualities and needs that I may have. I have been dreaming of this day for years and I just hope that I can get through it in good condition and with an incredibly positive experience.


As I head out this morning, I am filled with optimism and nerves, and I hope that when I close my eyes this evening, I will still be grinning from ear to ear.


And now I'm wondering whether I am talking about running the marathon or having a baby😜!

If you have appreciated reading some of my posts over the past couple of months, there's still time to show your support by donating to Meningitis Now in Thomas' memory (link in Resources section of my blog page)

The blog will continue for the next couple of weeks.



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Thomas Samuel Cotton

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